Federal Council wants to promote gainful employment for Ukrainian refugees
People who have fled from Ukraine should increasingly be able to work in Switzerland. This is what the Federal Council wants. In future, people in need of protection should be able to change cantons in order to take up jobs throughout Switzerland.
In order to reduce administrative hurdles, the current permit requirement for taking up gainful employment is to be converted into a simple registration requirement, as the Federal Council announced on Wednesday. In addition, unemployed persons with protection status S will now have to register with public employment agencies. Furthermore, those in need of protection could be obliged to participate in measures for professional integration or reintegration.
The Federal Council also wants to make it easier for third-country nationals trained in Switzerland to enter the labor market. In order to implement the above measures, the federal government has opened the consultation process for amendments to the Foreign Nationals and Integration Act, the Asylum Act and two ordinances.
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