25 thousand people yearly have quitted Serbia forever over last decade
According to a recent study titled “The Mobility of Serbia’s Workforce,” conducted by the Institute for Development and Innovation, over 25,000 people have permanently left Serbia each year for more than a decade.
In the first seven months of this year Serbia has issued around 50,000 work permits to foreigners, mostly from China, Russia and Turkey, while Serbian citizens predominantly head to Germany and the U.S.
Institute director Nenad Jevtovic says that Serbia’s current work market situation has immeasurably improved compared to 2008, when there were nearly one million unemployed in the country. Now this number is 296,000, and many of these people are temporarily unemployed, i.e. between jobs.
Jevtovic stated that global economic trends and the fact that Serbia “has been war-free for 25 years” have led to these statistics. She also added that, therefore, “one has to be seriously untalented for economic policy to not achieve improvement.”
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