Average salary in November 100,738.00 dinars
The average net salary in Serbia for November amounted to 100,738 dinars, while the average gross salary, including taxes and contributions, was 138,911 dinars, the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia announced today.
The growth of gross salaries in the period from January to November 2024, compared to the same period last year, was 14.2% nominally and 9.1% in real terms, while the average net salary increased by 14.1% nominally and 9.0% in real terms.
Compared to the same month of the previous year, the average gross salary for November 2024 was 12.1% higher nominally and 7.5% higher in real terms, while the average net salary increased by 12.0% nominally and 7.4% in real terms.
The median net salary for November 2024 was 77,830 dinars, meaning that 50% of employees received a salary up to this amount.
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